Thank You Giveaway Winners!

Below are the winners of my thank you giveaway. Since starting The Training For Ultra Podcast, we have had well over 1 million downloads and I was blown away when within 2 days we had 10,000 downloads - so I wanted to make sure to give back as a big thank you for the support. 

Picked at Random

Book Winners (1 book & a sticker)

  • Keith Roberts @cysticfibrosisultrarunner -BOOK (IG)
  • Mark Leistico -BOOK (FB)

Wrap Winners (1 wrap & a sticker)

  • Jared Scray @journeyrunners -WRAP (IG)
  • Miche Bové Garcia @michecancer -WRAP (IG)
  • Nolbee Runner @nolbeerunner -WRAP (IG)
  • Chris Fitzpatrick @FitzRunning -WRAP (Twitter)
  • Stacy J. Colbert , WA -WRAP (T4U Strava Run Club)
  • Racheal Zeiler -WRAP(FB)
  • Stacey Shaver -WRAP (FB)
  • Kayla Glenn -WRAP (FB)

If you are one of the winners, please email to verify you are a winner through your social and then I will follow-up with sending you out your gift.

Thank you!